Poul Lynggaard Damgaard

The poetry collection Song of Walls by Poul Lynggaard Damgaard is a transformation of the poem when it meets the world, and when it meets the world again. The depth of the landscape in touch with the reeds.
‘The courage of the junction” is a poem published in The Long?Islander, New York, 2018.
The beauty of nature is a point of reference.

Digtsamlingen Song of Walls af Poul Lynggaard Damgaard er en forvandling af digtet, når det møder verden, og når det igen møder verden. Landskabets dybde i berøring med sivene.
‘The courage of the junction’ er et digt udgivet i The Long Islander, New York, 2018.
Naturens skønhed er et referencepunkt.


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