Nueve vidas

Poema: Nueve vidas Autor: Eldar Ajadov Nueve vidas detrás de mí,Las vidas de los que siguen mis pasos.Pase lo que pase en el caminoNo puedo siquiera pensar que no llegaré.No puedo caer y gritar “¡No puedo!”Y esconderme en la nieve.Decir “estoy agotado, amigos”Les está...

No me olviden

Poema: No me olviden Autor: Eldar Ajadov No me olviden. Si es posible, les pido solo esto.Como la nieve no cae, como la vela no se apaga con el viento,Como desaparece la estrella a la hora del amanecer.No me olviden, y verán que no moriré nunca.Antes de olvidar,...

Across the bridge

Poem: Across the bridge Author: Marija Lazarevic The bridge raised its middlehe cried loudly, painfully through his teethhe hid all the sediment accumulated, broughtbottles of drunk walking laziness. He walks across the bridge to the mysterious sidetransmits people...

Endless bridge

Poem: Endless bridge Author: Marija Lazarevic A bridge without end from a dreamthe handrail is his desolationbelow him anotherspread further petals yellowit spilled from the skytreadmill gauzethey touch carelesslysix feet in a pair. Archaic stepsgrabs strongly do not...

About culture

Poem: About culture Author: Marija Lazarevic I won’t give anything to himBecause he lost my heartWhile he was walking with the springBy the Cultural Centre.He was going past the Culture CentreBut he was uncultured as always.He wanted to collect theYields of the...


Poem: Fear Author: Marija Lazarević The wind would be mildWhen I stepped into the darknessand I said: I am fighting today!But the echo in me awakens fear. What hurts, what lurks in the terrible darkness,when others are alone who am I?I fall, I fall, in the...

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