Poul Lynggaard Damgaard
Danish poet

About me
Poul Lynggaard Damgaard, born 24th of December, 1977. Denmark. Danish Authors’ Society, Danish PEN and since 2012 he has been connected to the Danish Centre for Writers and Translators. His work appears in publications and anthologies world wide. He has participated in several International Poetry Festivals in the world, and his poetry has been translated to many different languages.
International participation
” Ditët e Naimit”, Edition XXI, 2017+2020, Tetovë, Macedonia.
”Orpheus”, International Festival of Poetry of Orpheus, Plovdiv, Bulgaria, Edition I, 2018
International Poetry Festival, 5th edition, 2019 in Rahovec, Kosovo.
”StAnza”, Scotlands International Poetry Festival, 2020. St. Andrews, Scotland
Rockport Poetry Festival International 2023, Massachusetts, U.S.A. 2023
Poul Lynggaard Damgaard


The International best poet of the year 2021
International poetry and Translation Centre, China.
Panamá Poético
Es un proyecto cultural sin fines de lucro producido por el poeta Edwin Chacón desde Ciudad de Panamá. Apoyamos a los poetas de la región con la difusión de una muestra de sus obras, conoce cómo obtener un perfil para ti aquí.